Kelly is an unapologetic regionalist who believes that rural and regional towns are the custodians of our nation’s future. She has a passion for nurturing professional pathways to retain talent in the regions and firmly believes that the best results are achieved when we collaborate.
Kelly has over 15 years’ experience in the planning, property and Local Government sectors. Kelly was the Director of Planning at the Cairns Regional Council for over 10 years. Kelly’s Local Government portfolio included the following areas of responsibility-
• Strategic planning & development and engineering assessment
• Sustainability & environment
• Economic Development and event procurement
• Property services
• Cemeteries
• Public health approvals & public health inspection and enforcement
• Environmental & planning compliance
• Local Laws & animal management
• Regulated Parking
• CCTV and Citysafe security patrols.
Prior to starting her career in Cairns, Kelly worked abroad in the U.K. and Canada giving her a global context on which to base to her planning and policy advice.
Kelly specialises in town planning, major project planning and delivery, property and local government advice.
Her Local Government experience is unmatched in the market.